How to Create a Powerful Ritual Love Bath

love spell witchcraft Oct 05, 2024

Love is often associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and fertility. And Aphrodite loves the water.

Luckily, you can call in the energy of love, passion, and romance with just a few simple herbs and a bathtub full of water. Read on for the step-by-step tools to creating your own powerful love ritual bath at home.

What is a Ritual Love Bath?

Ritual love baths (or spell baths) have many purposes and themes. You can concoct ritual baths for spiritual and emotional cleansing, love, passion, money, compassion —pretty much anything you want.

Every ritual bath is completely different. There are probably hundreds of different baths just to conjure love. But many of them have the same few elements:

  • Crystals or other stones

  • Herbs or flowers

  • Salts

  • A strong intention

Others include other ingredients like milk, honey, cinnamon, clay —really any number of things that can help bring your intention to life.

Every ingredient has a specific energy that's meant to enhance a specific vibration - for love, money, confidence, clarity - whatever we want.

When to Use an Herbal Love Bath

In all things witchcraft and magic, it’s important to use your spells for self-work. That means always defaulting to self-love and self-actualization as opposed to calling in a specific lover by energetically or magically manipulating their will. Believe me, you don’t want someone who doesn’t want you or isn’t ready for a relationship.

That said, love spells of all kinds are wonderful for everyone both in relationships, single and looking, and single and NOT looking! And that’s precisely because these spells aren’t really about bringing in love haphazardly, but instead getting your energy right so you can love yourself and receive love from others fully.

Before any spell, make sure to set a clear intention. You can get clear by journaling on exactly what you’re looking for in a relationship with a partner and with yourself. You can also make general lists of what you’re looking for in another person, but try not to set your sights on someone in particular.

Use a love ritual bath when:

  • You’re single and looking for love

  • You’re single and want to foster more self-love and healing (be careful if you’re not looking to date, though! Spells like these can manifest a partner quickly!)

  • You’re in a relationship that’s lost its spark

  • You’re in a healthy, loving relationship and you just want to keep it that way


Flowers and herbs hold powerful magic, all with different energetic frequencies that help to support your magic. In witchcraft, you can use flowers in a number of different ways, but my favorite way to use them is in or around a ritual bath.

One powerful blend is:

  • Hibiscus: Attracts love and lust; connects you to your true self

  • Red raspberry leaf: Healing, protection, finding and keeping true love

  • Rose: Divine love and lasting relationships; peace and happiness

  • Jasmine: Draws spiritual love; used to attract and keep your soulmate

How to Make and Use Your Herbal Bath Blend

Using the herbal blend above, you can brew your ritual bath in a couple of ways.

Using a muslin bag or large tea bag

  • Place your herbs into the muslin bag and draw the strings tight.

  • Either pop this into your bath and let the herbs infuse into the water; or:

  • Tie the string over the faucet, so the hot water runs through the herbs.

  • Option to add some Epsom or dead sea salts for added magical and physical benefits

Making a “bath tea”

  • Empty your love herbal blend into a pot of water – about 4 cups should do.

  • Bring the water and the herbs up to a gentle boil and simmer for anywhere from 10-15 minutes.

  • Carefully take your pot to the bath and pour through a strainer right into the tub. Or, you can strain beforehand and take your “tea” to add to your water

A Love Meditation

As you get into your bath, picture what love means to you. How you would feel with a specific person as your mate.

Whether you’re single or paired up, just get into the feeling of the person you want and —better yet— feel exactly how you imagine you’d feel if you had this divine love in your life. What would you do together? How would you feel around them? What would the sex be like?

This truly is NOT about "tricking" or spelling someone into being in love with you when they have no interest. It's about visualizing and feeling into the love you deserve.

Be as specific as you want. If you haven’t met this person yet, picture the details of their appearance and dress. The things they like to do for fun, etc. If you’re looking to put some spark into an existing relationship, picture what that would look like for you and your partner.

Don’t get too bogged down in the logistics of HOW you’ll find this person or HOW you’ll put the spark back in your relationship; instead, picture your life as if you’ve already reached your goal.

Close your eyes and meditate on this sensation as long as you want. I recommend 10-15 minutes.

WARNING: Not every person we want is meant for us. If you're in love with someone who doesn't love you, treat you right, or want you... please let them go or do a different spell. T

Optional Additions to Your Bath Ritual

  1. Meditative (or super sexy) music; Sade anyone?

  2. Pre-recorded meditation or visualization

  3. Candles: red, pink, or white for love and passion

  4. Crystals: rose quartz, pink tourmaline, rhodonite, garnet, jade, emerald

  5. Fresh or dried flowers and herbs: jasmine, rose, lilac, apple blossoms, lavender, or lily

  6. Fruit: pomegranate, apples, passionfruit

  7. Love Anointing Oil

Ritual baths are used across cultures to cleanse and consecrate spiritual practice. Check back for an entire post on ritual baths coming soon!