6 Ways to Find an Energy Healer That's Right For You

energy healing quantum witchcraft Oct 08, 2024

I was about 24 when I had my first run-in with energy healing. I was getting a facial, and the esthetician asked if she could perform some Reiki on my knee (I had a really bad knee injury at the time).

I didn’t feel anything. 

I was young, not very in touch with my physical or spiritual body, and probably went home to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and drink a bottle of wine.

That was it. Not a bad experience or a good one. And I went years not really thinking about energy work at all. Which is crazy because about a decade later, it would completely change my life.

What is Energy Work?

When I talk to my clients about energy, I tell them that EVERYTHING is energy work. Every thought. Every action. Everyone from your barista to your mom to your medical doctor has a very real impact on your energetic field.

But for our purposes, we’ll give this some definition, shall we? 

Energy healing is an ancient healing system that crosses cultures and continents. It helps restore balance and stimulate your body’s innate ability to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. Shamans, medicine people, and witches all use energy to heal.

The idea is that when energy is in balance, it can become easier to heal your body and mind.

Reiki, probably the most well-known form of energy healing today, has only been around since the late 20th century, but that certainly wasn’t the first time humans used their energy to heal.

Shamanic healing and ancient Chinese and Hindu medicine all point to working on the energy body first, or at least in conjunction with other therapies (like herbs and manual therapies).

So, when I think of energy healing, I think of modalities that balance your energy and work with mind, body, and soul integration. This can look like:

  • Shamanic healing

  • Reiki healing

  • Sound healers

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Massage

  • Herbalism

All of this said I’ll *mostly* be referring to the world of Reiki and other unregulated, unlicensed energy workers in this article.

Most Energy Work is Not Regulated

Huge disclaimer here: I am an unlicensed energy worker! I have some certifications, but my most powerful work is done with my guides on different energetic planes. Some of the most powerful healers on the planet never went to school and don’t have one piece of paper to show for their work or studies. 

I’m in NO way suggesting that the energy-healing world should be regulated in any way. The purpose of this piece isn’t to “call anyone out” or scare you. 

I WANT you to try energy work! It’s seriously life-changing. But I’m also devoted to keeping you safe and helping you to make decisions that further your spiritual journey, not hinder it. 

And now that my disclaimer is out of the way… 

In the U.S., most energy healing therapies (like Reiki, shamanic healing, light language work, quantum healing, and all spiritual all life coaches) are not required to hold a license or certifications. That means ANYONE can call themselves an energy worker without any specific training, certifications, or licensing. 

Caveat: The Reiki tradition comes with a series of certifications, but no there is no licensing body in the U.S. at this time. Also, a LICENSE is different than a CERTIFICATION.

On the one hand, this is amazing for people with innate healing abilities that can’t afford expensive schools and training programs. In my opinion, you don’t need training or certifications to be a powerful healer, intuitive, or psychic. 

On the other hand, the entire healing world is like the wild west when it comes to claims, protocols, and ethics. 

There’s a reason therapists and doctors are licensed. Licensing means there’s a standardization of care and a code of ethics that are clear to everyone involved. It also usually means there’s continuing education requirements and a review board if a caregiver messes up or harms someone.

Does that mean all doctors, therapists, and other licensed professionals are perfect and “do no harm”? Of course not! But there are at least some checks and balances.

It freaks me out that there are people out there taking advantage of people’s pain, trauma, and confusion. Especially during stressful, traumatizing times. 

Let me repeat: I don’t necessarily think energy healers should be regulated or require specific training or licensing. I just want you to know the facts, ya’ll!

Energy Medicine is Not a Substitute for Medicine

This might actually get me into trouble with some hardcore energy healers… And this isn’t meant to take away from energy healing traditions that are also considered medicine, like acupuncture and, in some cultures, shamanic work. But in general, I stand by this one. Hard.

Many of my clients come to me with diagnosed mental conditions and complex physical symptoms and illnesses. 

I personally think that energy work is an incredible addition to any healing protocol. Energy work allows the client to dig deep into the subconscious and heal on a quantum level.

We release energy, cleanse, protect, and balance the chakra systems. We work together to maintain energetic and spiritual hygiene so they don’t get stuck in their stress and trauma loops as easily. And I teach my clients simple ways to tap into their intuition so they can begin to trust themselves and their bodies more.

However, energy work is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care by a licensed professional. 

In fact, I make sure all of my clients are seeing at least one other health care professional. And I make sure everyone knows about my little “team” of healers, which at various times includes:

  • A licensed psychiatrist

  • A naturopathic doctor

  • A medical doctor

  • An herbalist

  • Acupuncture

  • Massage

  • Energy healing

  • Astrologers 

I don’t use all of these resources regularly, but I do have a list that I can pull from when I’m feeling sick, sad, or confused. It takes a village, ya’ll! And we’re not meant to do any of this alone.

SO. You’re now fully aware that mot energy work doesn’t require licenses or certifications and that energy healing in most forms is not a substitute for medical and psychiatric care. But you still want to experience the incredible, life-changing benefits of this type of Quantum healing!

6 Ways to Find an Energy Healer That’s Right For You

#1: Get Clear On Your Goals

Before you choose what type of energy healing you want to dabble in, get clear on your goals. If you’re in a lot of physical pain, you might want to start with acupuncture or a more hands-on healing practice like massage. Practices like qigong and yoga can also be really helpful if there’s a lot of physical pain.

If your issues are more mental-emotional, you might want to try Reiki, shamanic healing, sound healing, or spiritual coaching. 

If you’re processing trauma, I would probably recommend energy work, along with somatic therapy and traditional psychotherapy or hypnotherapy.

But first thing’s first: get clear on what you want out of the experience before you start making appointments. There are SO many different kinds of energy healing, it can be super helpful to write out exactly what you expect from the outcome before you book.

#2: Choose In-Person or Remote Sessions

Next up: it’s time to figure out if you want to do remote sessions (yes, you can do very powerful energy work remotely) or if you want something in person. 

At the time of publishing this article, we’re in the middle of the 2020 pandemic shutdown, so no one is getting energy work in-person at the moment.

But what many folks probably don’t realize is that you can get really powerful healing done remotely!

I get Reiki and energy healing done all the time over the phone and over Zoom. This is also how I give my sessions and it’s incredibly effective. You can even do sound healings and work with somatic practitioners and hypnotherapists remotely.

But in-person energy work is lovely. It can be incredibly relaxing and the right practitioner will create a warm, welcoming, peaceful environment that is just amazing to experience.

There’s a time and place for both… if I’m feeling super overwhelmed, I schedule remote sessions. If I want more of a spa-like experience or with certain practitioners, I opt for in-person.

Before you start asking around for recommendations, ask yourself if you’re open to remote healing sessions or if you’ll need someone in your area for in-person appointments.

Speaking of asking for recommendations...

#3: Ask For Recommendations

This is probably the best way to find a healer. And if you think you don’t know anyone who works with healers, just set the intention to find a good recommendation. Maybe start putting some feelers out. Then, sit back and wait. I promise the signs will start popping up everywhere.

There’s a common belief in the healing community that the inner work begins when you simply set the intention to heal. I believe this with my whole heart. So, oftentimes, when you set the intention to find a healer, you don’t have to wait long for the right one to pop up.

If you really can’t find anyone who has a good recommendation, check out sites like Healers Wanted and Kensho Health

These offer databases of vetted healers with real certifications, credentials, experience, and testimonials. And if you can’t find anyone on Healers or Kensho, then you can try Yelp. Although I find their algorithm and business practices to be a bit shady. 

All of this said, there are some very famous, very expensive healers out there with tons of amazing online reviews, media, and press… This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the healers for you. Onto #4…

#4: Decide How Much You Want to Pay

This is such an interesting subject. I could probably write a book just about compensation for healers and healthcare workers. I’ll spare you the in-depth lectures and just say: there’s an enormous range when it comes to pricing for energy healing sessions.

Here’s why and also why that’s pretty normal… 

Healers have a range of experience and education. Many of us have spent thousands of dollars on certifications, training, and continued education. Some of us have worked hundreds of hours for free or under the tutelage of a mentor. Then there’s the dozens and dozens of books. Oh, and having to walk the walk of ancestral and quantum healing ourselves.

Then, there are the sessions. Sessions range wildly. But as an example, some healers will spend up to an hour prepping their own energy before a session with you. Then spend another 15-30 minutes creating detailed notes for clients after the session.

And this doesn’t include the hours of grounding, cleansing, clearing, and energy work that THEY have to get to keep a clear and balanced energy body themselves.

So, energy healers work hard. And depending on what they offer and how long they’ve been in business, sessions can range from $30 to hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

After you get some recommendations from friends, make sure to check out their pricing. Many healers have pricing on their sites or on their scheduling pages. Others will ask to speak to you before they disclose rates. Either way, confirm how much it is before you book! 

#5 Notice How You Feel After You Speak With Them

Most healers offer free or very affordable “discovery” sessions so you can get to know each other and figure out if it’s the right fit. Mine are $10 for 20 minutes. 

I suggest making a few of these appointments with different healers and just seeing how you feel afterward. 

Before I found my teacher, I called a couple of different shamans in my area. Yes, I used Yelp. I remember talking to one woman on the phone for about 30 minutes. She got amazing reviews, she had professional training and came from a lineage of shamans and intuitives. Pretty much the holy grail when it comes to energy healers.

I can’t really explain it, but she left me feeling very small. I got the impression that she held the power to heal and I was the lowly commoner that she would be bestowing her gifts upon. And that was NOT how I wanted to feel.

Sure, I wanted to heal. I was in a really dark place. But I certainly didn’t want to feel that weird hierarchical god-as-healer vibe. 

After we spoke, I went back to her Yelp page to read the reviews again and I swear to god they had changed. Where there had only been glowing reviews the hour before, suddenly there were several accounts of her low-key psychological abuse. 

Maybe there was a change in the Yelp algorithm. Maybe I was just reading the reviews with new eyes. Whatever it was, I knew I never wanted to work with her. 

Shortly after, I ended up finding a wonderful healer that went on to be one of my mentors and teachers. Always go with your gut. And if you’re not sure, then it’s probably a “no.” That, or it’s just not the right time for you to see a healer.

#6 Take Everything With a Grain of Salt

One of the most important things I’ve gotten out of energy healing is the increased connection with my own intuition. So, in my opinion, there are a couple of things to look out for with any healer, psychic, or intuitive…

If you come out of your sessions feeling more disconnected from yourself and your own innate healing abilities, then that’s a huge problem.

If your healer is telling you to do things for maintenance or informing you of things they’ve seen in your field and it doesn’t resonate with you, then we’ve got another problem.

If you feel bullied or otherwise uncomfortable with their messages or recommendations, do not do them. 

If your healer claims that you will ONLY be healed if you continue to work with them, then run (don’t walk) for the hills. 

If your healer asks you to take out a line of credit or borrow money to work with them, RUN. 

If, when you express doubt or tell them you have to “think about” signing up with them and they shame you in any way, get the heck out of there.

And always (and I mean always) go with your gut.

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to who have been scared into working with a healer or coach. They’re told that they’ll never overcome their “blocks” or become successful unless they work with said person.

Worse, some so-called healers will inform you of a “curse” or entity that only they can remove (for a hefty sum). 

First of all, you are your own greatest healer. No one can do the kind of subconscious healing and energy work that you can do on yourself with a little guidance.

Secondly, none of this has to break the bank. And if you can’t afford one healer, I promise you there are other ways to do the same damn thing for an affordable price.

So, that’s my Ted Talk, ya’ll. I really hope it helps. 

My goal is truly to encourage you to try energy healing in any and all of its many potent forms. It’s changed my life. 

In fact, I do this for a living. If you’re interested in a 20-minute discovery call or you’re ready to try energy healing or a card reading for yourself, then let’s get in touch!

And reach out with any questions to [email protected].