Lion’s Gate Portal: Everything You Need to Know

astrology quantum witchcraft Oct 08, 2024

Are you feeling lucky? I hope so because every year around August 8 (8/8), the Sun in Leo and the star Sirius create a cosmic opening known as the Lion’s Gate Portal — also known as the luckiest day of the year. A magical mix of astrology and numerology, this date offers potent energy for turning your dreams into reality.

But how do we know this? And if all of this is true, how can we get the most out of this energetic portal? Read on for everything you need to know about the Lion’s Gate Portal, how to plan for it, and practical tips on how to use this energy to your benefit.

The Numerology of The Lion’s Gate Portal

Numerology is the study of numbers and their meaning in your life. Think of it as a universal and energetic language based on the fundamental laws of nature and the cosmos.

The idea behind numerology is that the universe is a complex system that leaves you with sets of meaningful numbers once it’s broken down into its most fundamental parts. These numbers act as a compass to help you to find direction, meaning, and healing, and to help you decode the complexities of the world around you.

The Cards of Life readings I offer are based on numerology and astrology, so I see firsthand how these two modalities work to help us take a peek behind the veil and offer guidance.

The most potent day of the Lion’s Gate Portal is the 8th day of the 8th month, so we can look to the number 8 for the day’s meaning and power.

The Number 8 in Numerology

In numerology, the number 8 is a highly spiritual number of the soul. For instance, if you put the number 8 on its side, it turns into the infinity sign — a sign of the soul’s infinite journey. Think of your soul as a bundle of pure love energy that’s lived forever and will continue to live on long after its trip in this earthly body.

It’s also a number associated with power and abundance. In the Cards of Life readings, an 8 of any suit gives you the power to overcome any obstacle, no matter how challenging the other cards are.

But there’s a nuance to the type of abundance we’re talking about. It’s a number that allows us to detach from the material world to bring mental or spiritual goals to fruition. In other words, it’s an AMAZING number for manifestation.

But it’s not just about manifesting out of thin air or with a simple wish. The number 8 craves aligned action. This is a time to be assertive, which means making goals and then creating a list of practical ways you can work toward them.

This energy supports you by offering incredibly determined and responsible energy. If you normally have trouble getting stuff checked off your to-do list, you may find yourself more productive than usual around August 8.

Lion’s Gate Portal energy is a great time to organize your finances or solidify a business plan. That said, it can be difficult for some of us to soften and take time to rest and connect with our loved ones during this time (guilty!).

You’re making some big decisions and taking action, but the number 8 is also a number of balance and harmony. So, make sure you’re bringing in that balance as well.

So, 8/8 is an incredible time to clear out old energy and make room for receiving intuitive hits — mostly likely having something to do with massive abundance.

The Astrology of The Lion’s Gate Portal

The portal also has a lot to do with the Sun moving into its ruling sign of Leo and the rising of Sirius, a fixed star in the constellation of Cancer. Back up… a star can “rise”? Yup, just as the Sun (also a star) and moon rise and fall daily, the movement of the Sun from the sign of Cancer into the Sign of Leo leaves space for us to see Sirius without being blocked by the Sun.

As Sirius becomes visible, the portal opens.

Why Sirius? Sirius was a huge deal to ancient Egyptians, who used the rising of the star as a sign that the Nile was about to flood. Since the flood left soils abundant with minerals and other nutrients that brought about strong and fertile crops, the star itself is associated with massive prosperity and abundance.

Our ancestors (no matter your genetic makeup) were very in tune with the stars, many of them believing Sirius to be a gateway to heaven. As such, Sirius rising meant they had direct access to the wisdom of the gods. Which is how the Lion’s Gate Portal can bring spiritual awakenings, deep healing, and energetic clearings that take us to the next level, both materially and spiritually.

4 Ways to Harness The Power of The Lion’s Gate Portal

Ok, so we’re supposed to “clear out old energy and make room for receiving.” But what does that mean from a practical perspective?

Here are a few ideas for how you can make space and start funneling more energy into your life’s purpose.

#1: Practice Energetic Clearing

You can clear the energy of your space with sacred smoke, sound, or magic floor washes. You can also get some energy healing done via an energy-clearing session, Shamanic energy clearing, acupuncture, or any other energy-healing practice that resonates with you.

For me, that can just mean lighting some candles and playing around with my tuning forks, taking a flower bath, or doing a clearing visualization.

You can try picturing waves of white or golden light washing over you, removing all negative and unwanted energies from your body and your space. Picture the light widening until it’s covering your house, your street, your neighborhood, and more until it’s covering the entire planet.

It may sound silly, but visualizations like these can be extremely healing. Not just for you but for the people you’re connected to.

#2: Open Your Heart

Leo rules the heart and the heart chakra, making this an amazing time to do some heavy-duty heart chakra work. We can all use it — some more than others. Make some time for a few of the healing practices below. My favorites include heart-centric yoga flows and sipping heart-opening herbal teas.

Heart-Healing Practices include:

  • Breathwork

  • Journaling

  • Dancing

  • Stretching/heart-opening exercises or yoga poses

  • Emotional release of grief and forgiveness

  • Inner child work (specifically nurturing the 4-7-year-old in you.) What did you like to do at these ages? What were you missing at those ages that you can give yourself now?

  • Self-acceptance and self-compassion work

#3: Tune Into Your Intuition

With direct access to such powerful higher energies, this is a great time to open your third eye and crown chakras and start downloading some juicy ethereal guidance!

You can simply tune into your higher self or communicate with your guides. You can also look into the Akashic Records (this is the book I started with, but there are dozens).

Accessing higher realms could also be as simple as taking extra time to meditate or simply sitting in silence. You can even ask questions (silently or out loud) about your life or what messages you need to be receiving. You could also try a third eye or chakra-opening meditation. There are several good ones on YouTube and on apps like InsightTimer.

#4: Get Organized and Focus on What Matters

If this portal does anything, it will show you what truly matters. What’s coming up for you lately? Frustration and unexplained anger? Huge bursts of creative energy? Maybe the burning desire to completely reorganize your home and nest?

Whether it’s “good” or “bad,” take some time to note recurring themes. For instance, I was getting angry really easily in the days leading up to 8/8. I decided to sit with my partner and identify the emotions behind my anger, and we were able to uncover some really interesting patterns.

Tap into your own patterns, needs, and internal messages by journaling or meditating and asking your Spirit Guides what it is you need to focus on. You can also use the Akashic Records for this practice or hire an intuitive, psychic, or card reader to help you identify what to do next.

Another practice I really enjoyed this Lion’s Gate season was brain-dumping everything I wanted to do in the world onto several pieces of paper. Then, I took every item and organized it into “Must Do,” “Coming Up Next,” and “Maybe One Day.”

It helped me to prioritize what’s important in my business and for the rest of my life. That way, I can create aligned action toward massive abundance, which is what Lion’s Gate energy is all about anyway.

A Mini Lion’s Gate Ritual

In a nutshell, I would use today to sit in meditation or silence for several minutes to an hour. Keep your journal handy and write down any messages that pop into your head. They don’t have to make sense. Just write.

Light some candles, burn some rosemary, and take some time to write a massive brain dump to-do list — even if it’s ALL about self-love and self-care or your relationships. Your list could have ZERO to do with work or your outward-facing goals. Write everything down that you want to do, accomplish, or experience in your life.

Then, begin organizing it all into three columns: “Must Have/Must Do,” “Coming Up Next,” and “Maybe One Day.”

Post your list somewhere you can see it so you’re always reminded of what matters.

Symptoms of Portal Overwhelm

All of this sounds so positive and abundant… so why do I feel like crap during the Lion’s Gate Portal? Big, energetic portals and shifts can be challenging. Just think of the full moon and new moon energies.

So many people I know get piercing headaches or have to stay in bed all day when the full moon hits. Some cry for hours without reason or need to lock themselves in a room with a bunch of candles and sage until the anxiety passes.

Personally, I think all of these things are messages. Emotions and physical symptoms are, after all, just information.

Get very quiet and in touch with your physical and emotional bodies, and listen to what you need. If you’re feeling especially untethered, make an appointment with a trusted therapist, energy healer, or reader. It’s ok to ask for help.

And know that you’re not in this alone!