Daily Planetary Rulers

astrology witchcraft Oct 08, 2024

One of the cooler things about witchery and magic is that everything has a meaning, a spirit, or an energy. Even the days and hours of the week are ruled by a planet, and therefore, an archetypal energy that you can use to your advantage. Plus, knowing which day is ruled by what planet can help guide your spell work and ritual.

For instance, a spell for increased communication or a petition for something to happen quickly is best done on a Wednesday. Ruled by Mercury, Wednesday brings the quick, heady energy of the winged-footed god.

Spells for love, self-love, beauty, or sensuality are best done on Fridays, ruled by the goddess Venus.

Electional astrology is actually a whole study and science of using astrology to figure out the perfect timing for things like conception, product launches, vacations, and of course… spells and rituals. I’m actually not an expert in this, and you don’t have to be either!

In fact, while I try to do spell work with the “right” moon cycles, seasonal cycles, and days of the week, I rarely get it 100% “right.” And that’s ok because it’s your intention that really matters.

A strong enough intention and powerful energy (from you as the source) is bound to work.

Just starting out with magic and spellwork? Play around with timing your spells and other events to the days of the week and see if you feel a difference!

Planetary Rulers for the Days of the Week

Please note: Not all of the flowers, herbs, and trees mentioned in this article are meant for consumption. In fact, many of them are poisonous. Please do your research before using any plants in your work. 


Colors: Pale blue, silver, white, pearl

Crystals: Selenite, moonstone, labradorite, opal, pearl, quartz crystal

Plants: Jasmine, poppy, myrtle, moonwort, vervain, white rose, and camphor

Deities: Thoth, Selene, Diana

Planetary ruler: Moon

Sign: Cancer

Element: Water

If you’ve ever felt a strong case of the Mondays, you’re not alone. Mondays are ruled by the Moon, which have a strong association with going inward, feeling and expressing emotions, and leaning into the feminine energy of sacred receptivity. Not really the kind of energy we’re taught to associate with the first day of the workweek. 

While not a planet, the Moon is an incredibly strong energy that affects everything from how you respond to your surroundings, your intuition and memories, and how you care for others. 

There’s even evidence that the moon’s phases affect the physical body, from causing full moon headaches and sleep issues, to “controlling” women’s menstrual cycles. 

The Moon is associated with the element of water, which is associated with emotions, dreams, intuition, self-love, and nurturing. Mondays are a perfect time to tap into all of these things, including empathy, healing, and mysticism. 

Monday Rituals

  • Focus on your emotions and how they show up in your body. Jot down how you feel in the morning and evening, noting your energy levels and what you’re inspired to accomplish (if anything). 

  • Practice spells and rituals for psychic development, emotional processing, intuition, fertility, healing, and dreamwork.

  • Practice divination or schedule readings and energy healings.

  • Schedule bodywork, facials, and other self-care appointments.

  • Work with the element of water by taking a healing ritual bath or spending time near a natural water source.

  • Start a dream journal.


Colors: Red, burgundy, black

Crystals: Carnelian, ruby, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, pink tourmaline

Plants: All peppers, red roses, pine, carnation, nettle

Deities: Mars, Aries, Lilith

Planetary ruler: Mars

Sign: Aries 

Element: Fire

Tuesday is ruled by fiery Mars, the planet of sex, desire, action, energy, passion, war, agression, and assertion. If Mars is all about how you take action, then one might argue that today is a better day to start the workweek. 

And since Mars also determines how you use your energy to achieve your goals, this is a wonderful day to write your to-do list, start new projects, make big decisions, and start a new workout regimen. 

Ruled by Aries and fire, Tuesdays may feel more passionate and transformative than Mondays, giving you a renewed sense of energy and purpose. 

Fire also gives us light to cut through the darkness, offering clarity, visions (divination or seeing the future or truth of a thing), and even enlightenment. Fire energy moves quickly, so it’s good to use when you want something to happen quickly, or you want to put some energy behind any intention.

Use fire energy for aligned action, spells for clarity or visions, to banish fear, or in transformation and purification rituals.

Tuesday Rituals

  • Write to-do lists, plan launches, start new projects, and make big decisions.

  • Plan your toughest workouts for Tuesdays, or start a new workout regimen.

  • Use fiery Mars energy for aligned action, spells for clarity or visions, to banish fear, or in transformation and purification rituals.

  • Try spells for social issues, advocacy, or summoning courage, strength, or passion.


Colors: Purple, orange, yellow, silver

Crystals: Amazonite, hematite, fluorite, tourmaline

Plants: Ferns, cinnamon, periwinkle, dill, thyme, sweet pea

Deities: Mercury, Hermes, Odin, Athena

Planetary ruler: Mercury

Sign: Gemini and Virgo

Element: Air and sometimes water

Wednesday, hump day, the middle of most workweeks… Some people feel a renewed sense of energy and inspiration on Wednesdays, and that’s probably because of its planetary ruler, Mercury. 

Mercury is associated with Gemini and the element of air —dynamic, a bit flighty, and always down for inspired action and inspiration. This all makes Wednesday a great day to plan meetings and big presentations, work on communication issues and reunion spells, or get flirty and plan a date night with your boo.

Wednesday Rituals

  • Anything related to writing, speaking, teaching, or communications.

  • A good day to begin new projects, especially those based in communications (writing, speaking, teaching, etc.).

  • Reconciliation work or having difficult conversations.

  • Spells and rituals to improve communication skills, or increase clarity.

  • Healing and balancing of the third eye and throat chakras.

  • Free or stream-of-consciousness writing; creative communications.

  • Network and brainstorm.

  • Schedule important meetings, or host workshops.


Colors: Royal blue, blue, purple, turquoise, green

Crystals: Turquoise, sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli

Plants: Saffron, cedar, nutmeg, cinnamon, pine, and oak

Deities: Jupiter, Thor, Zeus

Planetary ruler: Jupiter

Sign: Sagittarius 

Element: Fire 

Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, expansion, healing, and abundance. Ruled by Sagittarius, Jupiter is also associated with higher education, philosophy, religion, law, long-distance and foreign travel, and big business. 

Thursdays may be toward the end of the traditional workweek, but it’s likely you’ll feel the last big burst of energy you get before the weekend. It’s a great day to look at your goals, review or re-write your plans, set new intentions, or learn something new.

With such a hopeful, abundant energy, you might want to set up a date with yourself to go over your finances or save Thursdays for big legal or finance conversations. 

Thursday Rituals

  • Schedule a session with your life coach or business mentor.

  • Work on your side hustle.

  • Set time aside to finally go through some of those online courses you’ve purchased.

  • Read self-help and other non-fiction.

  • Express your gratitude.

  • Plan a dinner party or get-together with friends.

  • Go on an adventure.

  • Perform spells for wealth, abundance, and career goals.


Colors: Pink, aqua, blue-green, cyan blue, violet

Crystals: Emerald, pink tourmaline, rose quartz, jade, malachite, and peridot

Plants: Apple, lily, birch, verbena, ivy, rose, and sage

Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Freya

Planetary ruler: Venus

Sign: Libra, Taurus

Element: Air, Earth

Fridays are the best. This is the day when 99% of humans half-ass it at work until noon, then figure out how to take off early for happy hours or to otherwise start their weekends early. And from an astrological perspective, that makes sense. 

Fridays are ruled by Venus and named after the Norse goddess of love, Freya. Venus rules all things sensual from beauty and creativity to relationships and connection, so it’s the perfect time to relax, plan a date night, or indulge in an evening of self-care.

It’s also a good time for rituals for beauty, love sex, fertility, companionship, and the arts. If you’re looking to shift your energy and bring new creativity into a project or into the home, Fridays are your day.

Friday Rituals 

  • Indulge in some self-care.

  • Plan a date night.

  • Cook an elaborate meal from ingredients from the farmer’s market.

  • Redecorate your house.

  • Go shopping for a new outfit.

  • Bust out your paints, yarn, or other art supplies.

  • Perform spells for beauty, love, sex, fertility, relationships, or friendships.


Colors: Black, grey

Crystals: Amethyst, smoky quartz, jet, black onyx, obsidian, hematite, hypersthene, and garnet

Plants: Ivy, oak, deadly nightshade, myrrh, mandrake, hemlock, and wolfsbane 

Deities: Saturn, Hecate

Planetary ruler: Saturn

Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius

Element: Earth, Air 

Some people may think that Saturdays are good for catching up on work and other responsibilities, due to its association with Capricorn and Saturn. Both are traditionally known as having energies of discipline, duty, and structure.

I’m all for catching up on errands and reworking my calendar, but Saturdays also hold the energy of integration and rest, energetically speaking. Saturn loves a good lesson, but also holds the space of the sacred teacher in our lives, making sure that we’re on track, and helping us edit and release where necessary. 

How can we possibly know what we need to double down on or release entirely if we don’t take some space to be human? That means walks in the woods, time to journal and meditate, and spending time with people who inspire us. 

Saturday Rituals

  • Go to the farmer’s market and buy some fresh produce.

  • Catch up on errands from the week.

  • Go over your schedule for next week and set up realistic goals.

  • Take some time to go over your goals, big and small.

  • Go for a hike, pack a picnic, spend time with your thoughts in nature.

  • Perform spells and rituals for protection, integration, shadow work, and big, out-of-the-box goals.


Colors: Yellow, orange, gold

Crystals: Amber, citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, and pyrite

Plants: Rosemary, sunflowers, cloves, chamomile, calendula, cedar, frankincense, amber, and heliotrope

Deities: Helios, Ra, Brigid

Planetary ruler: Sun

Sign: Leo

Element: Fire

Sunday is a day of light, of illumination. Rituals and spells done on this day are blessed by the hot, quick, fiery, and abundant energy of the Sun. Sun gods and goddesses are normally called on for matters of money, fertility, and growth. 

But you can also count on the Sun to bring some quick and powerful energy to any spell, from finding a new job or house to spells for love and beauty. Sundays are also a great time to do spells for healing and vitality, starting new projects, or infusing old projects with new energy.

Sunday Rituals

  • Sunbathing (safely for up to 15 minutes per day).

  • Getting morning sun in your eyes.

  • Making sun tea.

  • Going on a picnic or hosting a BBQ.

  • Starting a new project or doing something creative.

  • Spells or rituals for money, wealth building, success, insight, power, attraction, empowerment, and strength.

  • Divination and other psychic activities.

How to Make Your Schedule According to Planetary Rulers

Knowing what you know now about the natural energies that each day holds, a classic Monday-Friday workweek might seem a little silly. 

This energy report might also help you plan things like date nights, self-care, creative projects, and (of course) spell work and ritual.

Here are a few ways to play with the energies of the week to see which days are best for you: work, play, and spiritually speaking. 

  1. Start by taking some notes on each day of the week and their respective planetary rulers. You might want to do some more googling on each planet, zodiac sign, element, and deity that rules each day.

  2. Track your physical and mental energy, emotions, and any symptoms you feel on each day. How much work do you feel like doing? What days do you feel more inspired? More like resting or treating yourself to a spa day? What days do you just want to drink wine by the pool or get a healing session with your favorite psychic witch? You might want to track for a full moon cycle (New Moon to the next New Moon) to see if you notice any patterns. 

  3. Pretend the world is yours. You get to make your own schedule and do whatever you want, whenever you want. Make some notes for each day of the week and plan out your perfect week. 

  4. Brainstorm some ideas for play, self-care, ritual, and other spiritual practices. Plus each one into the day of the week that feels best for you. 

I hope you find information like this as interesting and as fun as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments below!